Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Took me a while to solve this one. When running automated test cases in Selenium, FireFox runs super slow.

If FireFox (38) is running slow, it could be because of hardware acceleration. Turing it off in the profiles helps for the current user but the Selenium remote driver starts FireFox using a special profile that isn't listed in the FireFox profile editor. In order to turn off hardware acceleration every time the browser launches, you need to do something like this;

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.Firefox();
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
profile.SetPreference("layers.acceleration.disabled", true);
capabilities.SetCapability(FirefoxDriver.ProfileCapabilityName, profile.ToBase64String());
IWebDriver webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4445/wd/hub"), capabilities);

Hope this helps.

Assuming latest versions of everything and running on Window.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Game Design: HexGame

I've been tinkering around with a risk-like online multi-player game using the BYOND gaming platform. In its present state, the game is far from original but it's just the core engine. From here, I can take the game in any direction by adding massive maps, randomly generated maps (vs a rectangle), support a lot of players, add resources, all new game types, and etc. In this v0.1 release, I'm going to test out the AI and multi-player functionality.

 v0.1 - Feature Set:
- Anyone can download and host a game
- Supports 1-4 Players with or without AI.
- Players can late join and take over an AI and AI will automatically take over for a disconnected player.
- A couple basic hosting options
- Sounds
- Random Map (Terrain) Generator

Game Play:
- The only game mode right now is to defeat all other players.

What's Next:
- Without ordering these (or committing), I'm going to look into supporting variable size maps, host specified player counts, unit attrition, random unit generation (instead of +10 each turn), fogofwar, random starting locations (instead of 4 corners) and etc. Everything will be a host option. It should be a lot of fun to build up all the options now that the core engine is done.

Oh, I'm going to try and support flash and maybe even aim for Greenlight once the game builds up some momentum in terms of unique game play and features.